Send debugging-example-unfixed.R
to students so they can follow along.
- Start with a new project including
Basic Strategy
- How do we figure out what’s wrong with a program
- Be a scientist
- Hypothesis about what is wrong
- Make one change that is expected to fix it
- Check if it worked
- Do not change something without a reason
- Read the error message
- Talk through the code (rubber duck programming)
- Observe what the code is doing
- Be a scientist
- Read the error message and try to fix it
- Where did code fail? Show traceback
- Read the code
- Look at the current state of the environment
- This gives us a snapshot of what’s going on in the code
- Can’t see inside the function
Run line by line
- Run the code line by line checking each step
- Trick once functions are involved
Print statements
- Show us things that we can’t see after error
- Dynamic changes in code
- Things inside functions
, fix by passing data_size_class
Something seems weird about these results
- Like a print statement but better
- Doesn’t accidentally get left in the code
- Contains a complete snapshot of the status of the program
- Let’s you walk through the code dynamically
Break points
- Insert breakpoint
- Source the code
- Program runs until breakpoint and stops (before executing the line of code)
- Environment gives the current values for all variables (Local vs. Global). Can switch scopes with dropdown.
- Next: runs next line of code. does not enter functions
- Step Into: goes line by line through the code including entering functions
- Step Out: leaves the current function or loop return to whatever called it
- Continue: continues to the next breakpoint
- passes
instead ofdata_size_class
- not using
- not passing